
You Have a Secret Man-Crush on Brad Pitt


Brad Pitt as Billy Beane, ladies and gentlemen. Does that not make your skin crawl? I'm all in favor of throwing Moneyball up on the big screen, but casting choice matters, people!

I'm having trouble conceptualizing how they're going to make this into a movie. I think Dave said as much too. In this, we will either bear witness to the true genius of Steven Soderbergh, or runs screaming from the theater to take comfort in our hard copies of Baseball Prospectus.

1 comment:

JP said...

Brad Pitt can only play snarky, fast-talking hip guys who wink and smile through entire scenes. Some of the better passages in "Moneyball" suggest that Billy Beane is a snark, fast-talking hip guy who winks and smiles through life. Perfect casting for a likely boring movie.