
Finalizing Dates/Times of Draft and Keepers

So, Rich has evidently dug up a 10th person to take over the abandoned team. As a result, we should now finalize the date and time for the draft and also the date by which keeper decisions must be made.

My understanding is that we've already decided without objection to do the draft on Saturday, March 31. This works fine as the first MLB game is on Sunday night. The big question regarding time is how long this draft is going to take. Rich read somewhere that the average auction draft takes around 6 hours. I'm betting that is in a 12 team league with no keepers though, so ours could take shorter, though I think a certain level of confusion is going to work against it being much shorter. Anyway, this is a long way of me saying that I think we should set aside a 6 hour block on that Saturday for the draft and hope it doesn't take that long. If it goes much longer for some reason, doing it on Saturday will allow us to spill over into some supplemental time on Sunday rather than do on ungodly long draft all in one day. My suggestion would be to start the draft at 12:00 (noon, not midnight) and go until 6 if necessary.

As for the keeper deadline, I think a week prior to the draft would be reasonable, so let's say everyone has to have their keepers received via e-mail by Rich by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, March 24.

Any comments?


Rich said...

sounds good. we will get-er-done in one day, have no fear.

Rich said...
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